Fix It

Keeping clubs well-maintained is an essential priority at Equinox. Every locker, machine, spa, and amenity requires multiple maintenance workers, janitors, and IT in order to upkeep. Fix It was first designed to tackle the large number of maintenance requests throughout the 106 unique locations. However, many maintenance workers had many issues with Fix It. We redesigned Fix It to improve Fix It’s usability, visibility, and accessibility.


My role

Lead + solo designer - Discover, Research, Ideate, Design, Tests

The Team

• Product Designer (Me)

• Product Manager

• 2 Software Engineers



Usability with Fix It was very limited - you could only create an issue. It was impossible to know if a certain issue had already been taken care of or not. This caused many duplicate maintenance issues to pop up as well there being no visibility for non-maintenance employees. How could we enhance Fix It to make it more effective and collaborative while increasing usage among maintenance employees?


How could we enhance Fix It to make it more effective and collaborative while increasing usage among maintenance employees?

Through ideating user flows and a working information architecture, some solutions were developed.

Solutions Include:

  • List view of all the open issues with detail previews

  • Ability to update status on each issue

  • Filter by club location, case zone, and time of creation

  • Add notes to each issue created for further detail

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What’s Changing?


Fix It Home Page

This list-view design provides both maintenance and non-maintenance employees more visibility of maintenance issues. Employees can easily see the location of the issue as well as when the issue was created and by whom. Issues can also be filtered by location, region, and time.

Quick Actions help reduce the amount of time it takes for maintenance workers to update multiple statuses at a time.

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Status Update

When viewing an issue, maintenance workers are able to view all the details, including a note left behind the employee who created the issue. Maintenance workers are now able to update n multiple ways including sending a specific issue to Equinox’s Service Channel when dealing with more difficult cases.


Implementing Chat


Communication is key

We are currently going through a design update in order to implement a chat feature as well as easy updates to enhance communication between the employee who created the issue ticket and the maintenance team who will be working on the issue.

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Adding this flexibility will help pinpoint key details missed in certain situations through text or with the help of sending photographs when needed.


Takeaways and Outcome

UX at the core

Currently in the final stages of development, Fix It will soon be released on The Employee App. Once Equinox’s team of maintenance workers are able to utilize Fix It, new pain points will lead to more iterations.

Growth of the App

According to usage reports, Fix It will potentially increase Employee App usage from 70% (current) to over 90% (maintenance workers use the Employee App the least).

Overcoming hurdles

There were many technical constraints along the way, including: the implementation of chat, changing requirements, and a growing design system. Through collaboration and research our team conquered many of the hurdles.


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